Greyhawk - Greyhawk Classics 06 - Keep on the Borderlands by Greyhawk

Greyhawk - Greyhawk Classics 06 - Keep on the Borderlands by Greyhawk

Language: eng
Format: azw3, epub
Tags: Greyhawk
Published: 2012-06-17T06:07:34+00:00

It couldn’t last for long, of course. By the time they were halfway across the inner bailey, Jerdren’s spirits were again soaring high.

“Look, it’s an honor, Eddis,” he said, waving the rest of their company close. “Being picked to—”

“We still don’t know what we’re supposed to do,” Eddis put in as he paused. “Jerdren, we can’t talk out here like this.”

“The tavern won’t be any better,” Blorys said. “Now the banquet’s over, the place will be packed, I’ll wager. People wanting to talk to the taverner and his wife about it, the usual crowd, and I’ll also wager there’ll be plenty of men looking for us already. Word will get around fast, Jers. People will assume that of course we’ll take the castellan up on his offer, and they know that the men who went out with us last time came back with fat purses.”

“Those who survived,” Eddis said.

“True, but the men who left family here at least got their share. Most soldiers would find that acceptable, if they weren’t going to make it through themselves.”

“What about the inn?” M’Whan asked, but Jerdren shook his head.

“There’s always men asleep in there,” Blorys told him. “Like the barracks. Personally, I’d like somewhere private, if we’re going to talk.”

“The private rooms at the inn are too small,” Eddis reminded him.

“I know,” he replied. “Wait, though. Private—that reminds me. Jers, that was our hide merchant at the far end of my table, wasn’t it? Because if so, he’ll be coming this way any time now, and they’re staying at the Guild Hall, aren’t they?”

Jerdren nodded.

“So, if you asked, he might get them to let us in, give us some place to talk this over.”

“Can’t get ale at the Guild Hall,” Jerdren reminded him.

“So? It’s a trade-off, if they’ll let us in. And there might be someone there who can answer some questions for us.” Blorys was scanning the crowd of people crossing the inner bailey. “Anyone wants a cup of ale after that, I’m for it.”

Jerdren looked at his companions. “Sounds good to me. Why don’t you all head out, and I’ll see if I can’t find the man. If not, Blor, you should be able to catch him at the gates. If you can’t, we’ll head over to the Guild Hall.” He was gone before his brother could form a reply.

“He’s right. No reason for us to wait right in the middle of everyone’s way, is there?” Blorys asked as Jerdren vanished into the crowd, and started back the other direction. “So. Eddis, I think we’re of the same opinion. But the rest of you—any thoughts yet?” He smiled faintly.

“I…” Eddis sighed. “I just don’t know about this, Blor. I’ll wait to make up my mind until I hear something that doesn’t start with ‘I’ve heard’, or ‘they say’.”

One of the Keep men spread his hands. “It’s more of the same, I expect. All any of us knows is what we told you, out there. Old tales from the days when Lord Macsen first began to build here, about caves and the monsters that live in ’em.


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